De prijzen gelden voor alle websites van Holland Posters / these pricelist counts for all sites of Holland Posters.

Pricelist of all Holland Posters websites . All posters are Reprints (herdrukken). All posters are signed and numbed ( max. 350 pieces). We are specialized in custom made posters! Delivery is only possible if you contact us by E-mail, .When we agree you get a invoice (payment by paypal or otherwise). Delivery only by mail (download) for all countries outside Holland. Prices are for private individuals. For Companies other prices.
Afm. in cm / Size/ Prijzen incl. BTWAantal /  Number of PhotosPrijs / Price in €
30 x 40 of 30 x 451       34
40 x 60 of 45 x 601       55
50 x 70 of 50 x 751       65
60 x 90 / 70 x 1051       79 / 99
Extra bij aanpassing posters / foto / changes of the poster1 / prijs vanaf         6
Poster on canvas / dibont / etc from 30 x 45 format / …..139 – 259
Download small  (2 mb) (Only single postcard posters)1        39
Download XL (10 mb) single picture posters (s p) / multi picture posters / special art/ Special art multi picture1        59 / 79 / 99/ 119
Download XXL (20 mb) s p /  multi picture posters or panoramas / special art posters/ special art multi picture1        99 / 109 / 129/ 149
Very special art posters (XLSA, XSA and VSAP)        1on request
Digital Gallery, we have first consultation about the subjects and the time period, environmental very good! Numbers and Price on request
Oud World digitaal archief  / Old World digital archive50,000on request
Overige (grotere) formaten / bigger sizesOp aanvraagon request
Picture documentaries/ Fotoreportages / Advisering / Cursussen / Fotobewerking / etc.                             on requestOp aanvraag