We start with a Kogge Warship from 1401 “die Bunte Kuh” a warship from Hamburg who defeated the northern pirats. Kriegsschiff von die Hanze städte aus 1401 “die Bunte Kuh. Other famous German and Dutch Ships like “Preussen”, “Petosi” , “SeeAdler” , “Nw Amsterdam”, “Willem Ruys” , “de Ruyter”and many more, on Gallery and Home page.
For Prices go to the pricing page!
Obove the startup of the European gallery, at first with 21 picture posters. When you have a comment, please send me a mail. For prices go to the pricing page. In the table you see more details of all boats with the numbers.
European ships /German (DE) / English/ NL / | period | Eu S |
DE. Radar korvet “Barbarossa” | 1840 | 111 |
DE. Aviso Grille | 1860 | 112 |
DE. Dreimast “Antilope” | 19th Cen. | 113 |
DE. Segelschiff mit dampf “Borussia” Ham. Am. Line | 1856 | 120 |
DE. Hamburger Dreimastbark “Charypdis” | 19th Cen. | 121 |
DE. Hansa Kriegs Kotter “die Bunte Kuh” | 1401 | 122 |
DE. Pantser Kreutser “Prinz Heinrich” | 1900 | 123 |
DE. Aviso “Preusischer Adler” | 1848 | 124 |
IT. Fishing Vessels | 1920 | 129 |
IT. Venice Galley | 15th cen. | 130 |
DK. Greenland Sailship | 1850 | 133 |
DK. DE. Fregatte “Gefion” “Ekernförde” | 1849 | 134 |
NOR. Artic Expedition Ship “Fram” | 1893-1910 | 148 |
DE. South Pole Expedition Ship “Gauss” | 1901-1903 | 149 |
EU/USA . One of the first Radar Mailboat | 1847 | 150 |
SP/IT. Chr. Columbus Disc. America ship “Santa Maria” | 1492 | 160 |
SP/IT. Chr. Columbus Disc. America Ships | 1492 | 161 |
Aut/IT. Sea Battle Lissa (Vis Adriatic Sea) | 1860 or !866 | 167 |
NL. Zeilschepen door de eeuwen heen | ca 790 – 1920 | 194 |
NL. Zeilschepen door de eeuwen heen met tekst | ca 790 – 1920 | 195 |
Sailing Ship over the Centuries | ca 790-1920 | 196 |